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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • Python version for running automated tests in CI upgraded from Python 3.10 to 3.12 (PR #270, @brews).


  • Removed preprocessing/climate and preprocessing/misc subpackages. (PR #249, @JMGilbert)
    • The modules in these subpackages referenced hard coded filepaths and were used for old versions of climate files and inputs that are now properly formatted by default
  • Removed utils/generate_yaml and utils/plotting_utils modules. (PR #249, @JMGilbert)
    • generate_yaml seems to have been designed for an old version of dscim-epa and that functionality has now been transferred to the scripts/ script in the dscim-epa and dscim-facts-epa repositories
    • plotting utils was only in use for a single diagnostic and was transferred to the script that generated that diagnostic
  • Removed midprocessing update_damage_function_library and utils constant_equivalent_discount_rate, calculate_constant_equivalent_discount_rate, and get_model_weights functions. (PR #249, @JMGilbert)
    • update_damage_function_library was previously used to move files prior to the functionality that directly saved files into the appropriate location
    • constant_equivalent_discount_rate and calculate_constant_equivalent_discount_rate are used for integration paper tables, and have been transferred to the appropriate scripts
    • get_model_weights is used for a few diagnostics and has been transferred to the appropriate scripts

0.6.0 - 2024-04-24


  • Add an option for producing SCC ranges that account for only statistical uncertainty. (PR #143, @davidrzhdu)


  • Fix concatenate_energy_damages netcdf saving functionality which was not clearing data encoding causing some coordinates to be truncated. (PR #229, @JMGilbert)
  • Fix tests broken by sorting update in pandas v2.2.1 (PR #216, @JMGilbert)

0.5.0 - 2023-11-17


  • Add naive list of package dependencies to pyproject.toml.(PR #123, @brews)
  • CI, coverage, DOI badges on README. (PR #134, @brews)


  • Dropped optional/unused dependencies click, dask-jobqueue, geopandas, gurobipy, ipywidgets, seaborn. (PR #99, @brews)
  • Switch build system from setuptools to hatchling. (PR #128, @brews)
  • Clean up unit test for dscim.utils.utils.c_equivalence. (PR #135, @brews)
  • Reformat gmst/gmsl pulse files by removing unnecessary dimensions and indices. (PR #169, @JMGilbert)


  • Fix DeprecationWarning on import. (PR #128, @brews)
  • Fix write-to-copy warning in process_rff_sample(). (PR #116, @brews)
  • Fix exception from indexing with dask-backed boolean array and input climate Dataset attrs collision with xarray >= v2023.3.0. (PR #129, @brews)
  • Fix bad release header links in (PR #105, @brews)
  • Fixed broken code quality checks in CI. Now using ruff instead of flake8. (PR #107, @brews)
  • Minor code style cleanup. (PR #133, @brews)

0.4.0 - 2023-07-06



  • Re-enable equity menu option tests. (PR #84, @JMGilbert)
  • Changed coastal_inputs function to work with new version of coastal outputs. (PR #75, @davidrzhdu)
  • Changed prep_mortality_damages function to work with new format mortality outputs. (PR #74 and PR #68, @JMGilbert)
  • Included US territories in damages and economic variable subsetting. (PR #78, @JMGilbert)
  • Changed format of eta_rhos to allow for multiple values of rho for the same eta. (PR #65, @JMGilbert)
  • Removed incomplete "time_trend" extrapolation option from dscim.utils.utils.model_outputs(), along with unused function arguments. This is a breaking change. (PR #53, @brews)


  • Removed clip_damage function in dscim/preprocessing/ (PR #67, @JMGilbert)
  • Removed climate reformatting functions and files -- to be added back with climate file generation. (PR #67, @JMGilbert)
  • Remove diagnostics module. (PR #60, @JMGilbert)
  • Remove old/unnecessary files. (PR #57, @JMGilbert)
  • Remove unused “save_path” and “ec_cls” from read_energy_files_parallel(). (PR #56, @davidrzhdu)


  • Make all input damages output files with correct chunksizes. (PR #83, @JMGilbert)
  • Add .load() to every loading of population data from EconVars. (PR #82, @davidrzhdu)
  • Make compute_ag_damages function correctly save outputs in float32. (PR #72 and PR #82, @davidrzhdu)
  • Make rff damage functions read in and save out in the proper filepath structure. (PR #79, @JMGilbert)
  • Enter the proper functional form of isoelastic utility when eta = 1. (PR #65, @JMGilbert)
  • Pin numpy version to stop tests failing. (PR #60, @JMGilbert)

0.3.0 - 2022-09-29



  • Removed unused “pulseyrs” and “global_cons” from convert_old_to_newformat_AR() and run_rff(). Note this is a breaking change. (PR #51, @davidrzhdu, @kemccusker)
  • Updated README with additional technical details. (PR #49, @brews)


0.2.1 - 2022-09-22


0.2.0 - 2022-09-16


  • Remove mutable argument defaults to avoid gotchas. (PR #44, @brews)
  • Quiet unused(?), common, logging messages to terminal. (PR #14, @brews)


  • Add missing self arg to global_consumption_calculation abstract method. (PR #43, @brews)

0.1.0 - 2022-08-30

  • Initial release.